Review process
AGILE: GIScience Series is a peer-reviewed proceeding which publishes original research contributions to scientific GIScience knowledge. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the editors in charge of a particular year issue, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by anonymous and independent expert referees.
All submissions are encouraged to adhere to the AGILE Reproducible Paper Guidelines. A reproducibility review of accepted manuscripts is conducted by independent expert referees as part of the Reproducible AGILE initiative. If significant parts of a computational workflow can be reproduced, the paper is awarded the "AGILE Reproducible" badge. The badge links to a report which documents the completed steps and results of a specific reproduction.
From 2024 on, the section on Data and Software Availability (called DASA) is a mandatory part of all papers. Submissions that do not contain relevant information in the DASA section will be rejected without review. Literal examples of the content of the DASA section may be found in the new templates. There is also a new declaration on generative AI in writing that may be found in the templates.